Many people are unfamiliar with the practice of selling your home for cash. The idea of a cash offer for your home can seem too good to be true, but it’s not! Cash buying companies are a completely legitimate option for selling your home.
What do Cash Buyers Do?
The process of selling your home for cash is a bit different than the traditional method of selling your home. Instead of hiring a real estate agent, listing your home, showing your home, and waiting for an offer, the process for selling your home for cash is much simpler. With cash buying companies, the first step is to fill out a form on their website so they can get some more information about you and your property. After doing so, an expert from that company will review the information you’ve provided, along with any other information about your home they may need. After a period of time, you will receive a cash offer for your home. Should you choose to accept the offer, your sale can close in as little as seven days.
How do the Companies Work?
Cash buying companies are entirely legitimate. They purchase your home with cash, and make money by reselling it. The way they do so varies company to company. They may fix your home up and resell it to other people, or they may continue to own the property and rent it out. These both allow them to make money from the property. This means that none of their income comes from charging you. This is vastly different from a traditional real estate agent, who takes a cut of your offer as payment. With cash buying companies, you get a genuine offer that is comparable to that you would get through selling your home traditionally.
The Benefits of a Cash Offer
Because of the simplicity of the cash buying process, there are countless benefits. Firstly, the process only takes about 30 days from start to finish, which is much less time than traditional real estate. Secondly, you can get a guaranteed offer for your home, the amount of which is comparable with what you’d get selling traditionally, especially after fees. Selling your home for cash also allows you to sell your home exactly as it is without needing to make any repairs. Cash buyers are fine with fixing up your home after purchasing it, so no repairs are necessary. This can also save you a lot of time and money.
Cash buyers are decidedly not a scam! These companies have entirely legitimate business practices, and can be a great option to consider if you need to sell your home in a rush. If you’re considering selling your home, and you live in the Boise area, Offer Now Idaho is a cash buying company that can help you sell your home quickly.
Click here to learn more about Offer Now Idaho and selling your home for cash!